Written and shared by Aloysius Wong on Monday, November 25, 2019. Last revised February 22, 2020.
Blue dodgeball from the 2019 Gilson Seminar Alumni and Students Dodgeballs and Meatballs game.
(Photo: Aloysius Wong)
Shane loved being a part of St. Mike's and in a particular way the Gilson Seminar. One activity in particular he had fun taking part of was Dodgeball and Meatballs: a series of dodgeball games throughout the semester, each of which was followed by a hearty meal of meatballs. In fact, strangely enough, the last words he sent to our group was about this very Gilson traditionĀ and our community.
It shouldn't come as a surprise then, thatĀ the Inaugural Gilson Seminar won the Inaugural Beal Bowl. We fought and won undefeated, obliterating the ranks of the Gilson 2s and 3s. However, in a final match that will be recorded in the history books, the United Gilson Seminars lost by a small margin to the Boyagoda Federation. (The students united lost against the teachers and staff, but they had a few handicaps to make up for their numbers.)
Next time, Professor Boyagoda. Next time.
Shane, we picked both community and dodgeball. These meatballs (*ahem, we had meatballs right?) and dodgeballs are for you.
This is the Inaugural Beal Bowl. And it belongs to us.
The Inaugural Gilson Seminar is awarded the Inaugural Beal Bowl
(Photo: Aloysius Wong)