Hi, thank you so much.
Really, most importantly, I just want to express my gratitude on behalf of all of our family that you came here. Thank you so much to Professor Boyagoda, and for his staff and everyone who helped organize this. I want to thank all of Shane’s professors and TAs who helped him to expand and strengthen his faith.
You know, when he was a kid, sometimes we had to drag him to church with me, and then I remember he called me once from college and was like, “Hey mom! I just got out of mass. …You know today is a Holy Day of Obligation, right?”
“Oh! Right, definitely.” [LAUGHTER]
So it was wonderful to see him learn more about theology and debate more about theology and help really reinvigorate my faith because of his strength.
I want to thank everyone who wrote—many of you in this room—who wrote comments to Speaking of Shane—it’s just an email; it’s not a website [but it is now!]—it’s speakingofshane@gmail.com [now share@speakingofshane.com]. And when I read the many memories—so many from Kelly Library, and so many from his friends and professors!—we were really grateful. Because, you know, he was on his own—this was his adult life—and we had let him go, and then to hear about that really, really helped us to heal on our journey of grief.
And then I want to thank all of Shane’s young friends who are here. You made UofT a welcome and happy home for him. And thank you, we’re so happy about that and so grateful.
Also, I’m trying to do this myself and I encourage you as well: when I see something that reminds me of Shane, rather than thinking to myself, “Ugh, that makes me think of Shane,” I really trying to say, “Oh! That reminds me of Shane!” And I want you to be happy and to go on and to have those good memories, and not to be sad about it.
If they’d amuse you, we have some pictures of him through his life here, and we have a guest book, which I hope you will be kind enough to sign, and we have some copies of his obituary as well, if you didn’t get a chance to see it.
And that’s all. I just want to say thank you so much. I’m so happy to meet each and every one of you.
Thank you very much.